The Objective
To prepare an environment for tennis players to play matches with their opponents who are suitable for their level, and to create a competitive environment.
The Rules:
- Veteran tennis rules apply in HASPO REALTY ALANYA Rankings competitions. There is no age limit for men and women to participate in the Defi tournament.
- Players offer matches to players on the left side of their row and to the right of the top row. (ın the example below, Danıel can challenge the other actıve players: sergeı, Alex and Dmitry)
- The athlete who receives a match offer has to inform the day and time with 2 options within 3 days at the latest. One of the 2 options must be out of working hours. Two options cannot be in the same day.
- If the athlete receiving a match offer does not inform the day and time with 2 options within 3 days; it is deemed to be forfeited and the necessary number change is made.
- Defi match must be played within 7 days from the date of the offer.
- In the Defin, the player number 3 can also offer a match to the number 1.
- Defi matches are played over 3 sets.
- At the end of the Defi match, when the bidder wins, he gets the order number of the player he defeated, and stays in place if he is defeated. When the athlete who was offered the match lost the match, the row he was in falls back and the sliding process continues until the row number of the bidder.
- A second offer cannot be made by the same person to the player who has played the Defi before 10 days.
- If one of the players is not able to come to the agreed defense match with or without an excuse, it will be deemed to have played and lost the match.
- The person who will offer the match, determines the person to be offered, and then communicates with the number in the whats up group and determines the time and place of the match. provides the new match ball, When necessary, players can request a referee by paying the referee fee, (Referee fee 75 TL).
- The new player who will enter the list has his name on the last line in the Defi Table and can only offer a match to the player on his left.
- The person who will offer the match determines the person to be offered and then communicates with the number in the Whatsapp group and determines the time and place of the competition.
- The person who cannot play a match for more than 15:15 days (Health, Holiday, Out of town etc. reasons) report his/her status on 05324828456 and that person (T) is placed and the match cannot be offered.
- Participation fee is 20 Euro for one time only. Then only 2 people share the court usage fee.
- Players can play the matches in the club or court they want.